RAZON Strextra R20 is  non shrink grout used for most civil repairs and grouting applications. It is an precision grout, capable of withstanding structural loads (repairs) and dynamic loads as well.

It is a high strength product, capable of achieving M75 grade strength at 28 days. It achieves more than 7N/mm2 flexural strength, and a bond strength of more than 1.5 N/mm2 at 28 days which is superior.

It is a suitable for base plates grouting of columns, and heavy machinery. It is highly flowable, without bleed or segregation, and can flow through sections as small as 8mm. Besides it also consists of a shrinkage compensating system. These makes it the ideal precision grout for industrial civil projects.

Due to its stability under static and dynamic loading it is ideal for grouting the joints between precast panels. This attribute makes it the preferred structural grout for pile foundations. 

Strextra R20 is gp2 type general purpose grout. It is granular in nature, and has a max particle size of 2.75 mm, making it ideal for casting of up to 100mm depths at a time. Besides for many applications, it can be extended with 10mm aggregates if permitted by the client/designer. Extending with aggregates does not have adverse effect on the product performance. Refer to data sheet for further details.

With increase of speed in construction, and larger projects, the precast industry is coming to the fore-front wherein panels, slabs, columns & beams cast in the casting yard by the contractor are merely assembled at site. Joints of these panels have very stringent requirements as follows:-

Physical Property Test Method Requirements
Flow CAN/CSA A23.2-1B > 20 sec. < 30 sec.
Early Volume Change ASTM C827 ≥ 0.5 to ≤ 6.0%
Hardened Volume Change CRD C621 ≥ 0.03 to ≤ 0.4%
Initial Time Set ASTM C807 ≥1.0 to ≤ 6.0 hours
Final Time Set ASTM C807 ≤ 10 hours
Bleeding CAN/CSA A23.2-1B ≤ 2.0%
pH ASTM C110 ≥ 11.0 to ≤ 13.5
7 Day Compressive strength CAN/CSA A23.2-1B ≥ 35 MPa
28 Day Compressive strength CAN/CSA A23.2-1B ≥ 50 MPa
Salt Scaling at 50 cycles ASTM C672 ≤ 0.500 kg/m2
Yield and Unit Weight ASTM C387 ≤ 2.0%
Dynamic load resistance Specimens to remain undamaged when subjected to alternate stress of 5 N/mm2 and 25 N/mm2 at the rate of 500 cycles/minute for 2 million cycles.

RAZON Strextra R-20 achieves the minimum acceptable requirements as prescribed above, and is the ideal for grouting precast panels. 

Hard Hat of RAZON CONSTRUCTION CHEMICALS | Non shrink Grout manufacturer

Construction Chemical Manufacturer India | Non shrink Grout manufacturer |

View Data sheet:- Strextra R 20

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