Organic binders are most preferred, due to its binding efficiency, abundant availability, ease of use, briquettes’ cold strength. However the dosage it must be used is comparatively large and not as economical.

Most of the binders used today inlcuding clays, starches, molasses or other materials are used at a dosage of about 6-20 % by weight. Out of these the procurement of molasses is rather difficult, besdies the storage of such material for continual and scalable production is rather tedious.

RAZON binders are designed to offer better performance in strenght and stability at dosages as low 0.4% by weigfht of the material.

This feature provides an unmatched economy; as compared to any other binder in terms of cost per tonn, and enhanced production output is an added advantage of RAZONs binders.

Contact RAZON today by CLICKING HERE to send us your Enquiry through the enquiry form. We make it a point to retvert back within 24 working hours with the most economical and effective solution from our range of organic binders.